Voron 3D Printer for Businesses - When It Makes Sense and When It Doesn't

Looking for a 3D printer for your company? Considering a Voron 3D printer? Voron is an open-source 3D printer project that is popular within the 3D printing community. Due to its openness and variability, the Voron 3D printer can be an interesting option for businesses as well.

Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of deploying a Voron 3D printer in a corporate environment.

Advantages of the Voron 3D Printer for Businesses

  • Component Variability: The Voron 3D printer is not fixed to using specific parts. Thanks to its open design, various hotends, motors, control boards, etc., can be used as needed or available. This gives companies flexibility.
  • Serviceability: The Voron 3D printer has a huge community of users and experts. If a company has a problem with a Voron 3D printer, there is a good chance that someone in the community can help. Thus, the company is not dependent only on the supplier.
  • Performance and Price: The Voron 3D printer offers a very good price-performance ratio. For smaller companies that do not require certifications, it can be an attractive option in terms of access to a top-tier 3D printer.

Disadvantages of the Voron 3D Printer for Businesses

  • Kit Form: The Voron 3D printer is delivered as a kit that needs to be assembled. For a company, this means either finding an employee who can handle it or having the Voron 3D printer kit assembled. However, the option to buy a ready-made plug-and-play product is not available. Nevertheless, you can have the printer assembled by us.
  • Lack of Certifications: Since the Voron 3D printer is delivered as a kit, it lacks certifications needed for some workplaces (CE, etc.). For larger companies with strict requirements, this may be a barrier to deploying a Voron 3D printer.
  • Need for an In-House Specialist: To fully utilize the potential of the Voron 3D printer, a company needs an employee who can take care of and operate the 3D printer. Without an in-house 3D printing specialist, operating a Voron 3D printer can be complicated. But this applies to 3D printers in general.

The Voron 3D printer makes sense for companies that appreciate its variability, serviceability due to the community, and good value for money. Typically, these will be smaller and medium-sized companies with an in-house 3D printing specialist.

On the other hand, for large companies that require a certified finished product and plug-and-play solutions, the Voron 3D printer may not be a suitable choice. Similarly, companies without their own 3D printing specialist may face problems with operating a Voron 3D printer.

In any case, the specific requirements and capabilities of the company need to be considered. The Voron 3D printer is a top-tier 3D printer with unique features, but may not be suitable for everyone.

Need advice on purchasing a Voron 3D printer for your company?

>If you are considering purchasing a Voron 3D printer for your company and are not sure if it is the right choice, I am happy to offer advice. I have extensive experience in 3D printing and can help you evaluate whether the Voron 3D printer is right for you. Do not hesitate to contact me by phone or email and together we will find the best solution for your company.